The RAW Truth
I recently did my first art show! It was part of the organization RAW ( I want to give an honest, hopefully balanced...
Behind the Screen
Sometimes you get hit with artist’s block, and other times you are just swamped. Here's how I'm coping - Having fun painting over ol
Drawing Wonder Woman!
Here is my first tutorial video! I hope you all enjoy! Thanks for watching, Travis
Lighting is everything - A look at my approach to light Dioramas
I wanted to do a diorama like I’ve never seen before. Dioramas are such a unique way to tell a story and allow guests to take in a world...
Allow myself to introduce myself
Yeah, that's mini-me, I’d guess around 4, making the Rancor monster from Star Wars. I’ve always been into art. My interest was greatly...
Who doesn't like dragons??? Short-film post
Bronze spears, men who fight in bare feet, and dragons who dwell in dark places – who can resist that, right? For nearly three years,...